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Contributing to SADIE

Please contribute to SADIE!


Questions, feature requests, and bug reports are welcome as discussions or issues. However, to report a security vulnerability, please see our security policy.

To make it as simple as possible for us to help you, please include the version output in your issue:

sadie --version

Please try to always include the above unless you're unable to install SADIE or know it's not relevant to your question or feature request.

Pull Requests

SADIE has an automated release. If you submit a pull request, it will be released as soon as it is accepted. This ensures that the latest version of SADIE is always available to the community.

You'll need to have a version between Python 3.8 and 3.10, poetry, and git installed.

  1. Clone your fork from Github and cd into your repo directory
$ git clone
$ cd sadie
  1. Set up a poetry for running tests
    $ pip install poetry
    ---> 100%

!!! Info Currently, poetry does not support Python 3.11

  1. Install sadie, dependencies, test dependencies, and doc dependencies
$ poetry install --with dev
---> 100%
  1. Checkout a new branch and make your changes
$ git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch
  1. Fix formatting and imports
    $ pre-commit run --all-files

!!! Info SADIE uses black to enforce formatting, isort to fix imports, and pyright for type checking.

  1. Run tests and linting
$ poetry run pytest tests
  1. Build documentation
    $ mkdocs build
    $ mkdocs serve
    INFO     -  Building documentation...
    INFO     -  [14:27:11] Serving on
    !!! Info Our netlify.toml is used to create our documentation site. This is not needed for a pull request but is useful for checking your changes locally. 1. Commit your changes and submit a pull request to the `development` branch ... add, commit, push, and create your pull request point to our development branch. Thank you in advance!